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Grant Guidelines

The Tom and Glory Sullivan Foundation limits its activities to projects of Roman Catholic Church organizations that focus on our mission to help souls eventually be happy in heaven.


The foundation gives priority funding to applications that:

  • support truly Catholic education for religious, children and vocations.

  • build assistance for churches, schools and other religious facilities particularly projects that include a local contribution of funds or services.

  • show some tangible results for the grant money received.

  • is a one time request that specifies in detail the use of the funds.

  • current or former board members have personal knowledge of the organization requesting the funds.​

The foundation will NOT fund:

  • endowment funds

  • continuing operations

  • general charities

  • social works without spiritual content

  • salaries and administrative costs

  • scholarships

To apply for a grant from the Tom and Glory Sullivan Foundation, please download this pdf and send your completed application to

Apply Here

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